Search Results: "Julien Danjou"

24 January 2014

Julien Danjou: OpenStack Ceilometer Icehouse-2 milestone released

Yesterday, the second milestone of the Icehouse development branch of Ceilometer has been released and is now available for testing and download. This means the first half of the OpenStack Icehouse development has passed! New features For the Icehouse-1 milestone, we barely had enough time to implement 2 blueprints. We almost did a better job this time, but finally only 2 blueprints were implemented again. This is really far from what we planned initially. The infrastructure slowdown issues and the lower number of reviews is probably the root cause here. Anyway, Ceilometer now offers a REST API to accesses the stored event. The initial work to replace the /v2/meters endpoint with something more RESTy has started with the implementation of /v2/samples. Bug fixes Thirty-one bugs were fixed, though most of them might not interest you so I won't elaborate too much on that. Go read the list if you are curious. Toward Icehouse 3 We now have 29 blueprints targeting the Ceilometer's third Icehouse milestone, with some of them are already started and ready to merge. However, it's likely that we won't make all of them. As usual, the priority should indicate how confident we are that we want and need a feature. Still, it's likely the roadmap will be adjusted in the upcoming weeks. I'll try to make sure we'll get there without too much trouble for the 6th March 2013. Stay tuned!

6 January 2014

Julien Danjou: Databases integration testing strategies with Python

The Ceilometer project supports various database backend that can be used as storage. Among them are MongoDB, SQLite MySQL, PostgreSQL, HBase, DB2 All Ceilometer's code is unit tested, but when dealing with external storage services, one cannot be sure that the code is really working. You could be inserting data with an incorrect SQL statement, or in the wrong table. Only having the real database storage running and being used can tell you that.
Over the months, we developed integration testing on top of our unit testing to validate that our storage drivers are able to deal with real world databases. That is not really different from generic integration testing. Integration testing is about plugging all the pieces of your software all together and running. In what I call "database integration testing", the pieces will be both your software and the database system that you are going to rely on. The only difference here is that one of the module is not coming from the application itself but is an external project. The type of database that you use (RDBMS, NoSQL ) does not matter. Taking a step back, what I will describe here could also apply to a lot of other different software modules, even something that would not be a database sytem at all. Writing tests for integration Presumably, your Python application has unit tests. In order to test against a database back-end, you need to write a few specific classes of tests that will use the database subsystem for real. For example:
import unittest
import os
import sqlalchemy

class TestDB(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
url = os.getenv("DB_TEST_URL")
if not url:
self.skipTest("No database URL set")
self.engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(url)

This code will try to fetch the database URL to use from an environment variable, and then will rely on SQLAlchemy to create a database connection.
import unittest
import os
import sqlalchemy

import myapp

class TestDB(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
url = os.getenv("DB_TEST_URL")
if not url:
self.skipTest("No database URL set")
self.engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(url)

def test_foobar(self):
self.assertTrue(myapp.store_integer(self.engine, 42))

You can then add as many tests as you want using the connection stored in self.engine. If no test database URL is, the tests will be skipped; however that decision is up to you. You may want to have these tests always run and fail if they can't be run. In the setUp() method, you may also need to do more work, like create a database and delete a database.
import unittest
import os
import sqlalchemy

class TestDB(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
url = os.getenv("DB_TEST_URL")
if not url:
self.skipTest("No database URL set")
self.engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(url)
self.connection = self.engine.connect()
self.connection.execute("CREATE DATABASE testdb")

def tearDown(self):
self.connection.execute("DROP DATABASE testdb")

This will make sure that the database you need is clean and ready to be used to testing. Launching modules, a.k.a. databases
The main problem we encountered when building integration testing with databases, is to find a way to start them. Most users are used to start them system-wide with some sort of init script, but when running sandboxed tests, that is not really a good option. Browsing the documentation of each storage allowed us to find a way to start them in foreground and control them "interactively" via a shell script. The following is a script that you can use to run Python tests using nose and is heavily inspired by the one we wrote for Ceilometer.
set -e

local error_code="$?"
kill -9 $(jobs -p) >/dev/null 2>&1 true
rm -rf "PGSQL_DATA"
return $error_code

check_for_cmd ()
if ! which "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "Could not find $1 command" 1>&2
exit 1

wait_for_line ()
while read line
echo "$line" grep -q "$1" && break
done < "$2"
# Read the fifo for ever otherwise process would block
cat "$2" >/dev/null &

check_for_cmd mongod

trap "clean_exit" EXIT

# Start PostgreSQL process for tests
PGSQL_DATA= mktemp -d /tmp/PGSQL-XXXXX
PGSQL_PATH= pg_config --bindir
mkfifo $ PGSQL_DATA /out
$ PGSQL_PATH /postgres -F -k $ PGSQL_DATA -D $ PGSQL_DATA &> $ PGSQL_DATA /out &
# Wait for PostgreSQL to start listening to connections
wait_for_line "database system is ready to accept connections" $ PGSQL_DATA /out
export DB_TEST_URL="postgresql:///?host=$ PGSQL_DATA &dbname=template1"

# Run the tests

If you use tox to automatize your test run, you can use this scripts (I call it in your tox.ini file.
commands = toxinidir / posargs

Most databases are able to be run in some sort of standalone mode where you can connect to them using a either a Unix domain socket, or a fixed port. Here are the snippet used in Ceilometer to run with MongoDB and MySQL:
# Start MongoDB process for tests
MONGO_DATA=$(mktemp -d /tmp/MONGODB-XXXXX)
mkfifo $ MONGO_DATA /out
mongod --maxConns 32 --nojournal --noprealloc --smallfiles --quiet --noauth --port $ MONGO_PORT --dbpath "$ MONGO_DATA " --bind_ip localhost &>$ MONGO_DATA /out &
# Wait for Mongo to start listening to connections
wait_for_line "waiting for connections on port $ MONGO_PORT " $ MONGO_DATA /out
export DB_TEST_URL="mongodb://localhost:$ MONGO_PORT /testdb"

# Start MySQL process for tests
MYSQL_DATA=$(mktemp -d /tmp/MYSQL-XXXXX)
mkfifo $ MYSQL_DATA /out
mysqld --datadir=$ MYSQL_DATA --pid-file=$ MYSQL_DATA / --socket=$ MYSQL_DATA /mysql.socket --skip-networking --skip-grant-tables &> $ MYSQL_DATA /out &
# Wait for MySQL to start listening to connections
wait_for_line "mysqld: ready for connections." $ MYSQL_DATA /out
export DB_TEST_URL="mysql://root@localhost/testdb?unix_socket=$ MYSQL_DATA /mysql.socket&charset=utf8"

The mechanism is always the same. We create a fifo with mkfifo, and then run the database daemon with the output redirected to that fifo. We then read from it until we find a line stating the the database is ready to be used. At that point, we can continue and start running the tests. You have to read continuously from the fifo, otherwise the process writing to it will block. We redirect the output to /dev/null, but you could also redirect it to a different log file, or not at all. One step further: using parallelism and scenarios The described approach is quite simple, as it only support one database type. When using an abstraction layer, such as SQLAlchemy, it would be a good idea to run all these tests against different RDBMS, such as MySQL and PostgreSQL for example. The snippet above allows to run both RDBMS in parallel, but the classic approach of unit tests does not allow that. Using one scenario for each database backend would be a great idea. To that end, you can use the testscenarios library.
import unittest
import os
import sqlalchemy
import testscenarios

load_tests = testscenarios.load_tests_apply_scenarios

class TestDB(unittest.TestCase):
scenarios = [
('mysql', dict(database_connection=os.getenv("MYSQL_TEST_URL")),
('postgresql', dict(database_connection=os.getenv("PGSQL_TEST_URL")),

def setUp(self):
if not self.database_connection:
self.skipTest("No database URL set")
self.engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(self.database_connection)
self.connection = self.engine.connect()
self.connection.execute("CREATE DATABASE testdb")

def tearDown(self):
self.connection.execute("DROP DATABASE testdb")

$ python -m test_scenario   subunit2pyunit
test_scenario.TestDB.test_foobar(mysql) ... ok
test_scenario.TestDB.test_foobar(postgresql) ... ok

Ran 2 tests in 0.061s


To speed up tests run, you could also run the test in parallel. It can be intesting as you'll be able to spread the workload among a lot of different CPUs. However, note that it can require a different database for each test or a locking mechanism to be in place. It's likely that your tests won't be able to work altogether at the same time on only one database. (Both usage of scenarios and parallelism in testing will be covered in The Hacker's Guide to Python, in case you wonder.)
The Hacker's Guide to Python
A book I'm writing that will be launched soon, talking about designing Python applications, state of the art, and various Python tips. If you want to be the first to hear about the launch, subscribe now.

13 November 2013

Julien Danjou: OpenStack Design Summit Icehouse, from a Ceilometer point of view

Last week was the OpenStack Design Summit Icehouse in Hong-Kong where we, OpenStack developers, discussed and designed the new OpenStack release (Icehouse) that is coming up. The week has been wonderful. It was my second OpenStack design summit, and I loved it. Bumping into various people I've never met so far and worked with online was a real pleasure. As it was to meet again with fellow OpenStack developers! The event organisation was great, as were the parties. :-) On the last day, I had the chance to present a talk with Eoghan Glynn and Nick Barcet how we built the auto-scaling feature in Heat, implementing the "alarming" feature needed in Ceilometer.
The slides and video of the talk is online on my talks page. Design sessions This time, Ceilometer design sessions were spread on 3 days. Everything we talked about has its Etherpad instance. The discussions were interesting, and the amount of feedback gathered is big and is going to be very useful. There's a lot of people and companies using Ceilometer now, and the project is getting more and more traction in general. There's a lot of different way to use it and to bend it to one's needs. Considering the amount of features and options that is provided, building functionality with a genericized approach it making Ceilometer useful for a lot of different and interesting use-cases. Icehouse roadmap The list of blueprints targeting Icehouse is available, but not yet complete. I expect people to start filling this list in the next days.If you want to propose blueprints, you're free to do so and inform us about it so we can validate it. The same applies if you wish to implement one of them! Thereafter, I try to guess what the roadmap will look like in the upcoming weeks for Ceilometer based on the discussion we had last week during the summit. Events management A lot of work is going to be put into event management. Ceilometer plans to store notifications sent using oslo.messaging by OpenStack projects. Some work already got merge for Havana, but the API part and future improvements and ideas will continue to flow into the Icehouse release. Agents and group management A lot has been discussed around the polling agents and around the alarm evaluator agent. The current state of the ceilometer-central-agent disallows any kind of high-availability and load-balancing, as the polling task are kept and scheduled on only one node. The high-availability part is already covered by a custom mechanism built into ceilometer-alarm-evaluator, but it came clear to us that a more generic approach is needed. A lot of other projects needs this kind of functionality, and a pattern have been pointed out. A blueprint about group membership has been discussed in an Oslo session, and will end into a new Python library written to solve this in Ceilometer and in other projects. TaskFlow will also probably be leveraged to solve the task distribution issue. Documentation Since a few weeks, Ceilometer auto-generates its API reference documentation using sphinxcontrib-docbookrestapi that parses our API code that uses WSME. We also want to start writing a user guide, and we'll do that inside our own repository. That way, I hope that we will be the first project in OpenStack to require documentation to be incorporated into every patch that's being sent to Ceilometer. This is the best way to assure that nothing can be changed nor added without being accompanied with a documentation update. Tempest testing Testing of Ceilometer already has been a subject during the previous design summit about testing. We already put a large effort on Tempest testing in this last cycle, but we encountered a lot of small issues that we had to tackle to achieve something. Some Ceilometer basic tests are already on their way into Tempest, so this is something that is going to be achieved very soon. Ultimately, I would also want Ceilometer moving towards providing its own set of Tempest tests as part of the code base. That way, it'd be as easy for core reviewers to refuse a patch if it doesn't provide functional tests as it is to refuse it if it doesn't provide unit tests. As we'll do for the documentation. API improvements Once again, a few API improvements will probably be implemented, like aggregation or the ability to specify multiple queries with OR and AND operators. Roll-up, archiving of data There seems to be interest in archiving and rolling-up the data stored by Ceilometer, so work in this area is to be expected. Supporting multiple data storage driver in parallel seems to be something that needs to be done for this and other aspects of Ceilometer feature set. Alarming The alarming feature set is already big, and the work that has been accomplished pretty amazing. A few improvements will be made, as retrieving better metrics and building better statistics (exclusion of low quality data points).

17 September 2013

Julien Danjou: Python 3.4 single dispatch, a step into generic functions

I love to say that Python is a nice subset of Lisp, and I discover that it's getting even more true as time passes. Recently, I've stumbled upon the PEP 443 that describes a way to dispatch generic functions, in a way that looks like what CLOS, the Common Lisp Object System, provides. What are generic functions If you come from the Lisp world, this won't be something new to you. The Lisp object system provides a really good way to define and handle method dispatching. It's a base of the Common Lisp object system. For my own pleasure to see Lisp code in a Python post, I'll show you how generic methods work in Lisp first. To begin, let's define a few very simple classes.
(defclass snare-drum ()

(defclass cymbal ()

(defclass stick ()

(defclass brushes ()

This defines a few classes: snare-drum, symbal, stick and brushes, without any parent class nor attribute. These classes compose a drum kit, and we can combine them to play sound. So we define a play method that takes two arguments, and returns a sound (as a string).
(defgeneric play (instrument accessory)
(:documentation "Play sound with instrument and accessory."))

This only defines a generic method: it has no body, and cannot be called with any instance yet. At this stage, we only inform the object system that the method is generic and can be then implemented with various type of arguments. We'll start by implementing versions of this method that knows how to play with the snare-drum.
(defmethod play ((instrument snare-drum) (accessory stick))

(defmethod play ((instrument snare-drum) (accessory brushes))

Now we just defined concrete methods with code. They also takes two arguments: instrument which is an instance of snare-drum and accessory that is an instance of stick or brushes. At this stage, you should note the first difference with object system as built into language like Python: the method isn't tied to any class in particular. The methods are generic, and any class can implement them, or not. Let's try it.
* (play (make-instance 'snare-drum) (make-instance 'stick))

* (play (make-instance 'snare-drum) (make-instance 'brushes))

* (play (make-instance 'cymbal) (make-instance 'stick))
debugger invoked on a SIMPLE-ERROR in thread
#<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING 1002ADAF23 >:
There is no applicable method for the generic function
when called with arguments
(#<CYMBAL 1002B801D3 > #<STICK 1002B82763 >).

Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:EXIT) to exit from SBCL.

restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
0: [RETRY] Retry calling the generic function.
1: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level.


As you see, the function called depends on the class of the arguments. The object systems dispatch the function calls to the right function for us, depending on the arguments classes. If we call play with instances that are not know to the object system, an error will be thrown. Inheritance is also supported and the equivalent (but more powerful and less error prone) equivalent of Python's super() is available via (call-next-method).
(defclass snare-drum () ())
(defclass cymbal () ())

(defclass accessory () ())
(defclass stick (accessory) ())
(defclass brushes (accessory) ())

(defmethod play ((c cymbal) (a accessory))

(defmethod play ((c cymbal) (b brushes))
(concatenate 'string "SSHHHH!" (call-next-method)))

In this example, we define the stick and brushes classes as subclass of the accessory class. The play method defined will return the sound BIIING! regardless of the accessory instance that is used to play the cymbal. Except in the case where it's a brushes instance; only the most precise method is always called. The (call-next-method) function is used to call the closest parent method, in this case that would be the method returning _"BIIING!".
* (play (make-instance 'cymbal) (make-instance 'stick))

* (play (make-instance 'cymbal) (make-instance 'brushes))

Note that CLOS is also able to dispatch on object instances themself by using the eql specializer. But if you're really curious about all features CLOS provides, I suggest you read the brief guide to CLOS by Jeff Dalton as a starter. Python implementation Python implements a simpler equivalence of this workflow with the singledispatch function. It will be provided with Python 3.4 as part of the functools module. Here's a rough equivalence of the above Lisp program.
import functools

class SnareDrum(object): pass
class Cymbal(object): pass
class Stick(object): pass
class Brushes(object): pass

def play(instrument, accessory):
raise NotImplementedError("Cannot play these")

def _(instrument, accessory):
if isinstance(accessory, Stick):
return "POC!"
if isinstance(accessory, Brushes):
return "SHHHH!"
raise NotImplementedError("Cannot play these")

We define our four classes, and a base play function that raises NotImplementedError, indicating that by default we don't know what to do. We can then write specialized version of this function with a first instrument, the SnareDrum. We then check for the accessory type that we get, and return the appropriate sound or raise NotImplementedError again if we don't know what to do with it. If we run it, it works as expected:
>>> play(SnareDrum(), Stick())
>>> play(SnareDrum(), Brushes())
>>> play(Cymbal(), Brushes())
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/jd/Source/cpython/Lib/", line 562, in wrapper
return dispatch(args[0].__class__)(*args, **kw)
File "/home/jd/", line 10, in play
raise NotImplementedError("Cannot play these")
NotImplementedError: Cannot play these
>>> play(SnareDrum(), Cymbal())
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/jd/Source/cpython/Lib/", line 562, in wrapper
return dispatch(args[0].__class__)(*args, **kw)
File "/home/jd/", line 18, in _
raise NotImplementedError("Cannot play these")
NotImplementedError: Cannot play these

The singledispatch module looks through the classes of the first argument passed to the play function, and calls the right version of it. The first defined version of the play function is always run for the object class, so if our instrument is a class that we did not register for, this base function will be called. For whose eager to try and use it, the singledispatch function is provided Python 2.6 to 3.3 through the Python Package Index. Limitations First, as you noticed in the Lisp version, CLOS provides a multiple dispatcher that can dispatch on the type of any of the argument defined in the method prototype, not only the first one. Unfortunately, Python dispatcher is named singledispatch for this good reason: it only knows to dispatch on the first argument. Guido van Rossum wrote a short article about the subject that he called multimethod a few years ago. Then, there's no way to call the parent function directly. There's no equivalent of the (call-next-method) from Lisp nor the super() function that allows to do that in Python class system. This means you will have to use various trick to bypass this limitation. So while I am really glad that Python is going toward that direction, as it's a really powerful way to enhance an object system, it really lacks a lot of more advanced features that CLOS provides out of the box. Though, improving this could be an interesting challenge. Especially to bring more CLOS power to Hy. :-)
The Hacker Guide to Python
A book I'm writing that will be launched soon, talking about designing Python applications, state of the art, and various Python tips. If you want to be the first to hear about the launch, subscribe now.

10 September 2013

Julien Danjou: OpenStack Ceilometer Havana-3 milestone released

Last week, the third and last milestone of the Havana development branch of Ceilometer has been released and is now available for testing and download. This means the end of the OpenStack Havana development time is coming, and that the features are now frozen. New features
Eleven blueprints have been implemented as you can see on the release page. That's one more than during Havana-2, but it's less than was planned initially, though we had a pretty high score considering the size of our contributors team. I'm going to talk through some of them here, that are the most interesting for users. Bug fixes Fifty-six bugs were fixed, though most of them might not interest you so I won't elaborate too much on that. Go read the list if you are curious. Toward our final Havana release With the feature freeze in place, we're now focusing on fixing bugs and improving documentation. I'll try to make sure we'll get there without too much trouble for the 17th October 2013. Stay tuned!

3 September 2013

Julien Danjou: Announcing The Hacker Guide to Python

I've been hacking on Python for a lot of years now, on various project. For the last two years, I've beenheavily involved in OpenStack, which makes an heavy usage of Python. Once you start working with a hundred of hackers, on several software and libraries representing more than half a million source lines of Python, things change. The scalability, testing and deployment problems inherent to a cloud platform meddle with everything in designing components. During these two years working on OpenStack development, I've learned a lot on Python from astounding Python hackers. From general architecture and design principles to various tips and tricks of the language. It seemed to me like a good opportunity to share what I learnt doing so with others so you can benefit from it in other projects. I've started working a book, entitled "The Hacker Guide to Python", where I will try to share what I learnt while working with Python. The book is still a work in progress at this stage, but if you'd like to get in touch and keep updated on its advancement, you can subscribe in the following form or from the book homepage.
The Hacker Guide to Python
A book I'm writing that will be launched soon, talking about designing Python applications, state of the art, and various Python tips. If you want to be the first to hear about the launch, subscribe now.

1 August 2013

Julien Danjou: The definitive guide on how to use static, class or abstract methods in Python

Doing code reviews is a great way to discover things that people might struggle to comprehend. While proof-reading OpenStack patches recently, I spotted that people were not using correctly the various decorators Python provides for methods. So here's my attempt at providing me a link to send them to in my next code reviews. :-) How methods work in Python A method is a function that is stored as a class attribute. You can declare and access such a function this way:
>>> class Pizza(object):
... def __init__(self, size):
... self.size = size
... def get_size(self):
... return self.size
>>> Pizza.get_size
<unbound method Pizza.get_size>

What Python tells you here, is that the attribute get_size of the class Pizza is a method that is unbound. What does this mean? We'll know as soon as we'll try to call it:
>>> Pizza.get_size()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unbound method get_size() must be called with Pizza instance as first argument (got nothing instead)

We can't call it because it's not bound to any instance of Pizza. And a method wants an instance as its first argument (in Python 2 it must be an instance of that class; in Python 3 it could be anything). Let's try to do that then:
>>> Pizza.get_size(Pizza(42))

It worked! We called the method with an instance as its first argument, so everything's fine. But you will agree with me if I say this is not a very handy way to call methods; we have to refer to the class each time we want to call a method. And if we don't know what class is our object, this is not going to work for very long. So what Python does for us, is that it binds all the methods from the class Pizza to any instance of this class. This means that the attribute get_size of an instance of Pizza is a bound method: a method for which the first argument will be the instance itself.
>>> Pizza(42).get_size
<bound method Pizza.get_size of <__main__.Pizza object at 0x7f3138827910>>
>>> Pizza(42).get_size()

As expected, we don't have to provide any argument to get_size, since it's bound, its self argument is automatically set to our Pizza instance. Here's a even better proof of that:
>>> m = Pizza(42).get_size
>>> m()

Indeed, you don't even have to keep a reference to your Pizza object. Its method is bound to the object, so the method is sufficient to itself. But what if you wanted to know which object this bound method is bound to? Here's a little trick:
>>> m = Pizza(42).get_size
>>> m.__self__
<__main__.Pizza object at 0x7f3138827910>
>>> # You could guess, look at this:
>>> m == m.__self__.get_size

Obviously, we still have a reference to our object, and we can find it back if we want. In Python 3, the functions attached to a class are not considered as unbound method anymore, but as simple functions, that are bound to an object if required. So the principle stays the same, the model is just simplified.
>>> class Pizza(object):
... def __init__(self, size):
... self.size = size
... def get_size(self):
... return self.size
>>> Pizza.get_size
<function Pizza.get_size at 0x7f307f984dd0>

Static methods Static methods are a special case of methods. Sometimes, you'll write code that belongs to a class, but that doesn't use the object itself at all. For example:
class Pizza(object):
def mix_ingredients(x, y):
return x + y

def cook(self):
return self.mix_ingredients(self.cheese, self.vegetables)

In such a case, writing mix_ingredients as a non-static method would work too, but it would provide it a self argument that would not be used. Here, the decorator @staticmethod buys us several things:
>>> Pizza().cook is Pizza().cook
>>> Pizza().mix_ingredients is Pizza.mix_ingredients
>>> Pizza().mix_ingredients is Pizza().mix_ingredients

Class methods Having said that, what are class methods? Class methods are methods that are not bound to an object, but to a class!
>>> class Pizza(object):
... radius = 42
... @classmethod
... def get_radius(cls):
... return cls.radius
>>> Pizza.get_radius
<bound method type.get_radius of <class '__main__.Pizza'>>
>>> Pizza().get_radius
<bound method type.get_radius of <class '__main__.Pizza'>>
>>> Pizza.get_radius is Pizza().get_radius
>>> Pizza.get_radius()

Whatever the way you use to access this method, it will be always bound to the class it is attached too, and its first argument will be the class itself (remember that classes are objects too). When to use this kind of methods? Well class methods are mostly useful for two types of methods:
class Pizza(object):
def __init__(self, ingredients):
self.ingredients = ingredients

def from_fridge(cls, fridge):
return cls(fridge.get_cheese() + fridge.get_vegetables())

class Pizza(object):
def __init__(self, radius, height):
self.radius = radius
self.height = height

def compute_circumference(radius):
return math.pi * (radius ** 2)

def compute_volume(cls, height, radius):
return height * cls.compute_circumference(radius)

def get_volume(self):
return self.compute_volume(self.height, self.radius)

Abstract methods An abstract method is a method defined in a base class, but that may not provide any implementation. In Java, it would describe the methods of an interface. So the simplest way to write an abstract method in Python is:
class Pizza(object):
def get_radius(self):
raise NotImplementedError

Any class inheriting from Pizza should implement and override the get_radius method, otherwise an exception would be raised. This particular way of implementing abstract method has a drawback. If you write a class that inherits from Pizza and forget to implement get_radius, the error will only be raised when you'll try to use that method.
>>> Pizza()
<__main__.Pizza object at 0x7fb747353d90>
>>> Pizza().get_radius()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 3, in get_radius

There's a way to triggers this way earlier, when the object is being instantiated, using the abc module that's provided with Python.
import abc

class BasePizza(object):
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

def get_radius(self):
"""Method that should do something."""

Using abc and its special class, as soon as you'll try to instantiate BasePizza or any class inheriting from it, you'll get a TypeError.
>>> BasePizza()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class BasePizza with abstract methods get_radius

Mixing static, class and abstract methods When building classes and inheritances, the time will come where you will have to mix all these methods decorators. So here's some tips about it. Keep in mind that declaring a class as being abstract, doesn't freeze the prototype of that method. That means that it must be implemented, but i can be implemented with any argument list.
import abc

class BasePizza(object):
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

def get_ingredients(self):
"""Returns the ingredient list."""

class Calzone(BasePizza):
def get_ingredients(self, with_egg=False):
egg = Egg() if with_egg else None
return self.ingredients + egg

This is valid, since Calzone fulfil the interface requirement we defined for BasePizza objects. That means that we could also implement it as being a class or a static method, for example:
import abc

class BasePizza(object):
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

def get_ingredients(self):
"""Returns the ingredient list."""

class DietPizza(BasePizza):
def get_ingredients():
return None

This is also correct and fulfil the contract we have with our abstract BasePizza class. The fact that the get_ingredients method don't need to know about the object to return result is an implementation detail, not a criteria to have our contract fulfilled. Therefore, you can't force an implementation of your abstract method to be a regular, class or static method, and arguably you shouldn't. Starting with Python 3 (this won't work as you would expect in Python 2, see issue5867), it's now possible to use the @staticmethod and @classmethod decorators on top of @abstractmethod:
import abc

class BasePizza(object):
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

ingredient = ['cheese']

def get_ingredients(cls):
"""Returns the ingredient list."""
return cls.ingredients

Don't misread this: if you think this going to force your subclasses to implement get_ingredients as a class method, you are wrong. This simply implies that your implementation of get_ingredients in the BasePizza class is a class method. An implementation in an abstract method? Yes! In Python, contrary to methods in Java interfaces, you can have code in your abstract methods and call it via super():
import abc

class BasePizza(object):
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

default_ingredients = ['cheese']

def get_ingredients(cls):
"""Returns the ingredient list."""
return cls.default_ingredients

class DietPizza(BasePizza):
def get_ingredients(self):
return ['egg'] + super(DietPizza, self).get_ingredients()

In such a case, every pizza you will build by inheriting from BasePizza will have to override the get_ingredients method, but will be able to use the default mechanism to get the ingredient list by using super().

27 July 2013

Julien Danjou: OpenStack Ceilometer Havana-2 milestone released

Last week, the second milestone of the Havana developement branch of Ceilometer has been released and is now available for testing and download. This means the first half of the OpenStack Havana development has passed! New features Ten blueprints have been implemented as you can see on the release page. I'm going to talk through some of them here, that are the most interesting for users.
The Ceilometer API now returns all the samples sorted by timestamp. This blueprint is the first one implemented by Terri Yu, our OPW intern! In the same spirit, I've added the ability to limit the number of samples returned. On the alarming front, things evolved a lot. I've implemented the notifier system that will be used to run actions when alarms are triggered. To trigger these alarms, Eoghan Glynn (RedHat) worked on the alarm evaluation system that will use the Ceilometer API to check for alarm states. I've reworked the publisher system so it now uses URL formatted target for publication. That now allows to publish different meters to different target using the same publishing protocol (e.g. via UDP toward different hosts). Sandy Walsh (RackSpace) have been working on the StackTach like functionality and added the ability for the collector to optionally store the notification events received. Finally, Mehdi Abaakouk (eNovance) implemented a TTL system for the database, so you're now able to expire your data whenever you like. Bug fixes Thirty-five bugs were fixed, though most of them might not interest you so I won't elaborate too much on that. Go read the list if you are curious. Toward Havana 3 We now have 30 blueprints targeting the Ceilometer's third Havana milestone, with some of them are already started.I'll try to make sure we'll get there without too much trouble for the 6th September 2013. Stay tuned!

7 July 2013

Paul Tagliamonte: Hy 0.9.10 released

A huge release, the combined 0.9.9 and 0.9.10 releases (I made a mistake releasing) are now tagged and pushed to pypi. It features a number of enhancements and fixes, and is just an absolute thrill to play with. Thanks to the contributors this cycle:
Bob Tolbert Christopher Allan Webber Duncan McGreggor Guillermo Vaya Joe H. Rahme Julien Danjou Konrad Hinsen Morten Linderud Nicolas Dandrimont Ralph Moritz rogererens Thomas Ballinger Tuukka Turto
Outstanding! New features are now being considered for 0.9.11. Thanks!

4 July 2013

Julien Danjou: OpenStack meets Lisp: cl-openstack-client

A month ago, a mail hit the OpenStack mailing list entitled "The OpenStack Community Welcomes Developers in All Programming Languages". You may know that OpenStack is essentially built using Python, and therefore it is the reference language for the client libraries implementations. As a Lisp and OpenStack practitioner, I used this excuse to build a challenge for myself: let's prove this point by bringing Lisp into OpenStack!
Welcome cl-openstack-client, the OpenStack client library for Common Lisp! The project is hosted on the classic OpenStack infrastructure for third party project, StackForge. It provides the continuous integration system based on Jenkins and the Gerrit infrastructure used to review contributions. How the tests works OpenStack projects ran a fabulous contribution workflow, which I already talked about, based on tools like Gerrit and Jenkins. OpenStack Python projects are used to run tox, to build a virtual environment and run test inside. We don't have such thing in Common Lisp as far as I know, so I had to build it myself. Fortunately, using Quicklisp, the fabulous equivalent of Python's PyPI, it has been a breeze to set this up. cl-openstack-client just includes a basic shell script that does the following: I just run the test using SBCL, though adding more compiler on the table would be a really good plan in the future, and should be straightforward. You can admire a log from a successful test run done when I proposed a patch via Gerrit, to check what it looks like. Implementation status For the curious, here's an example of how it works:
* (require 'cl-openstack-client)
* (use-package 'cl-keystone-client)
* (defvar k (make-instance 'connection-v2 :username "demo" :password "somepassword" :tenant-name "demo" :url "http://devstack:5000"))


* (authenticate k)

((:ISSUED--AT . "2013-07-04T05:59:55.454226")
(:EXPIRES . "2013-07-05T05:59:55Z")
. "wNFQwNzo1OTo1NS40NTQyMthisisaverylongtokenwNFQwNzo1OTo1NS40NTQyM")
(:ID . "1774fd545df4400380eb2b4f4985b3be") (:NAME . "demo")))

* (connection-token-id k)


Unfortunately, the implementation is far from being complete. It only implements for now the Keystone token retrieval. I've actually started this project to build an already working starting point. With this, future potential contributors will be able to spend efforts on writing code, and not on setting up the basic continuous integration system or module infrastructure. If you wish to help me and contribute, just follow the OpenStack Gerrit workflow howto or feel free to come by me and ask any question (I'm hanging out on #lisp on Freenode too). See you soon, hopping to bring more Lisp into OpenStack!

Julien Danjou: OpenStack meets Lisp: cl-openstack-client

A month ago, a mail hit the OpenStack mailing list entitled "The OpenStack Community Welcomes Developers in All Programming Languages". You may know that OpenStack is essentially built using Python, and therefore it is the reference language for the client libraries implementations. As a Lisp and OpenStack practitioner, I used this excuse to build a challenge for myself: let's prove this point by bringing Lisp into OpenStack!
Welcome cl-openstack-client, the OpenStack client library for Common Lisp! The project is hosted on the classic OpenStack infrastructure for third party project, StackForge. It provides the continuous integration system based on Jenkins and the Gerrit infrastructure used to review contributions. How the tests works OpenStack projects ran a fabulous contribution workflow, which I already talked about, based on tools like Gerrit and Jenkins. OpenStack Python projects are used to run tox, to build a virtual environment and run test inside. We don't have such thing in Common Lisp as far as I know, so I had to build it myself. Fortunately, using Quicklisp, the fabulous equivalent of Python's PyPI, it has been a breeze to set this up. cl-openstack-client just includes a basic shell script that does the following: I just run the test using SBCL, though adding more compiler on the table would be a really good plan in the future, and should be straightforward. You can admire a log from a successful test run done when I proposed a patch via Gerrit, to check what it looks like. Implementation status For the curious, here's an example of how it works:
* (require 'cl-openstack-client)
* (use-package 'cl-keystone-client)
* (defvar k (make-instance 'connection-v2 :username "demo" :password "somepassword" :tenant-name "demo" :url "http://devstack:5000"))


* (authenticate k)

((:ISSUED--AT . "2013-07-04T05:59:55.454226")
(:EXPIRES . "2013-07-05T05:59:55Z")
. "wNFQwNzo1OTo1NS40NTQyMthisisaverylongtokenwNFQwNzo1OTo1NS40NTQyM")
(:ID . "1774fd545df4400380eb2b4f4985b3be") (:NAME . "demo")))

* (connection-token-id k)


Unfortunately, the implementation is far from being complete. It only implements for now the Keystone token retrieval. I've actually started this project to build an already working starting point. With this, future potential contributors will be able to spend efforts on writing code, and not on setting up the basic continuous integration system or module infrastructure. If you wish to help me and contribute, just follow the OpenStack Gerrit workflow howto or feel free to come by me and ask any question (I'm hanging out on #lisp on Freenode too). See you soon, hopping to bring more Lisp into OpenStack!

31 May 2013

Julien Danjou: OpenStack Ceilometer Havana-1 milestone released

Yesterday, the first milestone of the Havana developement branch of Ceilometer has been released and is now available for testing and download. This means the first quarter of the OpenStack Havana development has passed! New features Ten blueprints have been implemented as you can see on the release page. I'm going to talk through some of them here, that are the most interesting for users. Ceilometer can now counts the scheduling attempt of instances done by nova-scheduler. This can be useful to eventually bill such information or for audit (implemented by me for eNovance).
People using the HBase backend can now do requests filtering on any of the counter fields, something we call metadata queries, and which was missing for this backend driver. Thanks to Shengjie Min (Dell) for the implementation. Counters can now be sent over UDP instead of the Oslo RPC mechanism (AMQP based by default). This allows counter transmission to be done in a much faster way, though less reliable. The primary use case being not audit or billing, but the alarming features that we are working on (implemented by me for eNovance).
The initial alarm API has been designed and implemented, thanks to Mehdi Abaakouk (eNovance) and Angus Salkled (RedHat) who tackled this. We're now able to do CRUD actions on these. Posting of meters via the HTTP API is now possible. This is now another conduct that can be used to publish and collector meter. Thanks to Angus Salkled (RedHat) for implementing this. I've been working on an somewhat experimental notifier driver for Oslo notification that publishes Ceilometer counters instead of the standard notification, using the Ceilometer pipeline setup. Sandy Walsh (Rackspace) has put in place the base needed to store raw notifications (events), with the final goal of bringing more functionnalities around these into Ceilometer. Obviously, all of this blueprint and bugfixes wouldn't be implemented or fixed without the harden eyes of our entire team, reviewing code and advising restlessly the developers. Thanks to them! Bug fixes Thirty-one bugs were fixed, though most of them might not interest you so I won't elaborate too much on that. Go read the list if you are curious. Toward Havana 2 We now have 21 blueprints targetting the Ceilometer's second Havana milestone, with some of them are already started. I'll try to make sure we'll get there without too much trouble for the 18th July 2013. Stay tuned!

10 May 2013

Julien Danjou: Rant about Github pull-request workflow implementation

One of my recent innocent tweet about Gerrit vs Github triggered much more reponses and debate that I expected it to. I realize that it might be worth explaining a bit what I meant, in a text longer than 140 characters. <script async="async" charset="utf-8" src=""></script> The problems with Github pull-requests I always looked at Github from a distant eye, mainly because I always disliked their pull-request handling, and saw no value in the social hype it brings. Why? One click away isn't one click effort The pull-request system looks like an incredible easy way to contribute to any project hosted on Github. You're a click away to send your contribution to any software. But the problem is that any worthy contribution isn't an effort of a single click. Doing any proper and useful contribution to a software is never done right the first time. There's a dance you will have to play. A slowly rhythmed back and forth between you and the software maintainer or team. You'll have to dance it until your contribution is correct and can be merged. But as a software maintainer, not everybody is going to follow you on this choregraphy, and you'll end up with pull-request you'll never get finished unless you wrap things up yourself. So the gain in pull-requests here, isn't really bigger than a good bug report in most cases. This is where the social argument of Github isn't anymore. As soon as you're talking about projects bigger than a color theme for your favorite text editor, this feature is overrated. Contribution rework If you're lucky enough, your contributor will play along and follow you on this pull-request review process. You'll make suggestions, he will listen and will modify his pull-request to follow your advice. At this point, there's two technics he can use to please you. Technic #1: the Topping Github's pull-requests invite you to send an entire branch, eclipsing the fact that it is composed of several commits. The problem is that a lot of one-click-away contributors do not masterize Git and/or do not make efforts to build a logical patchset, and nothing warns them that their branch history is wrong. So they tend to change stuff around, commit, make a mistake, commit, fix this mistake, commit, etc. This kind of branch is composed of the whole brain's construction process of your contributor, and is a real pain to review. To the point I quite often give up. <figure> <figcaption> A typical case: 3 commits to build a 4 lines long file. </figcaption> </figure> Without Github, the old method that all software used, and that many software still use (e.g. Linux), is to send a patch set over e-mail (or any other medium like Gerrit). This method has one positive effect, that it forces the contributor to acknowledge the list of commits he is going to publish. So, if the contributor he has fixup commits in his history, they are going to be seen as first class citizen. And nobody is going to want to see that, neither your contributor, nor the software maintainers. Therefore, such a system tend to push contributors to write atomic, logical and self-contained patchset that can be more easily reviewed. Technic #2: the History Rewriter This is actually the good way to build a working and logical patchset using Git. Rewriting history and amending problematic patches using the famous git rebase --interactive trick. The problem is that if your contributor does this and then repush the branch composing your pull-request to Github, you will both lose the previous review done, each time. There's no history on the different versions of the branch that has been pushed. In the old alternative system like e-mail, no information is lost when reworked patches are resent, obviously. This is far better because it eases the following of the iterative discussions that the patch triggered. Of course, it would be possible for Github to enhance this and fix it, but currently it doesn't handle this use case correctly.. <figure> <figcaption> Exercise for the doubtful readers: good luck finding all revisions of my patch in the pull-request #157 of Hy.</figcaption> </figure> A quick look at OpenStack workflow It's not a secret for anyone that I've been contributing to OpenStack as a daily routine for the last 18 months. The more I contribute, the more I like the contribution workflow and process. It's already well and longly described on the wiki, so I'll summarize here my view and what I like about it. Gerrit To send a contribution to any OpenStack project, you need to pass via Gerrit. This is way simpler than doing a pull-request on Github actually, all you have to do is do your commit(s), and type git review. That's it. Your patch will be pushed to Gerrit and available for review. Gerrit allows other developers to review your patch, add comments anywhere on it, and score your patch up or down. You can build any rule you want for the score needed for a patch to be merged; OpenStack requires one positive scoring from two core developers before the patch is merged. Until a patch is validated, it can be reworked and amended locally using Git, and then resent using git review again. That simple. The historic and the different version of the patches are available, with the whole comments. Gerrit doesn't lose any historic information on your workflow. Finally, you'll notice that this is actually the same kind of workflow projects use when they work by patch sent over e-mail. Gerrit just build a single place to regroup and keep track of patchsets, which is really handy. It's also much easier for people to actually send patch using a command line tool than their MUA or git send-email. Gate testing Testing is mandatory for any patch sent to OpenStack. Unit tests and functionnals test are run for each version of each patch of the patchset sent. And until your patch passes all tests, it will be impossible to merge it. Yes, this implies that all patches in a patchset must be working commits and can be merged on their own, without the entire patchset going in! With such a restricution, it's impossible to have "fixup commits" merged in your project and pollute the history and the testability of the project. Once your patch is validated by core developers, the system checks that there is not any merge conflicts. If there's not, tests are re-run, since the branch you are pushing to might have changed, and if everything's fine, the patch is merged. This is an uncredible force for the quality of the project. This implies that no broken patchset can ever sneak in, and that the project pass always all tests. Conclusion: accessibility vs code review In the end, I think that one of the key of any development process, which is code review, is not well covered by Github pull-request system. It is, along with history integrity, damaged by the goal of making contributions easier. Choosing between these features is probably a trade-off that each project should do carefully, considering what are its core goals and the quality of code it want to reach. I tend to find that OpenStack found one of the best trade-off available using Gerrit and plugging testing automation via Jenkins on it, and I would probably recommend it for any project taking seriously code reviews and testing.

25 April 2013

Julien Danjou: OpenStack Design Summit Havana, from a Ceilometer point of view

Last week was the OpenStack Design Summit in Portland, OR where we, developers, discussed and designed the new OpenStack release (Havana) coming up. The summit has been wonderful. It was my first OpenStack design summit -- even more as a PTL -- and bumping into various people I've never met so far and worked with online only was a real pleasure! <figure> <figcaption>Me and Nick ready to talk about Ceilometer new features.</figcaption> </figure> Nick Barcet from eNovance, our dear previous Ceilometer PTL, and myself, talked about Ceilometer and presented the work that bas been done for Grizzly, with some previews of what we'll like to see done for its Havana release. You can take a look at the slides if you're curious. Design sessions Ceilometer had his design sessions during the last days of the summit. We noted a lot of things and commented during the sessions in our Etherpads instances. The first session was a description of Ceilometer core architecture for interested people, and was a wonderful success considering that the room was packed. Our Doug Hellmann did a wonderful job introducing people to Ceilometer and answering question. <figure> <figcaption>Doug explaining Ceilometer architecture.</figcaption> </figure> The next session was about getting feedbacks from our users. We had a lot of surprise to discover wonderful real use-cases and deployments, like the CERN using Ceilometer and generating 2 GB of data per day! The following sessions ran on Thursday and were much more about new features discussion. A lot ot already existing blueprints were discussed and quickly validated during the first morning session. Then, Sandy Walsh introduced the architecture they use inside StackTach, so we can start thinking about getting things from it into Ceilometer. API improvements were discussed without surprises and with a good consensus on what needs to be done. The four following sessions that occupied a lot of the days were related to alarming. All were lead by Eoghan Glynn, from RedHat, who did an amazing job presenting the possible architectures with theirs pros and cons. Actually, all we had to do was to nod to his designs and acknowledge the plan on how to build this. That last two sessions were about discussing advanced models for billing where we got some interesting feedback from Daniel Dyer from HP, and then were a quick follow-up of the StackTach presentation from the morning session. Havana roadmap The list of blueprints targetting Havana is available and should be finished by next week. If you want to propose blueprints, you're free to do so and inform us about it so we can validate it. The same applies if you wish to implement one of them! API extension I do think the API version 2 is going to be heavily extended during this release cycle. We need more feature, like the group-by functionnality. Healthnmon In parallel of the design sessions, discussions took place in the unconference room with the Healthnmon developers to figure out a plan in order to merge some of their efforts into Ceilometer. They should provide a component to help Ceilometer supports more hypervisors than it currently does. Alarming Alarming is definitely going to be the next big project for Ceilometer. Today, Eoghan and I started building blueprints on alarming, centralized in a general blueprint. We know this is going to happen for real and very soon, thanks to the engagements of eNovance and RedHat who are commiting resources to this amazing project!

3 April 2013

Julien Danjou: Hy, Lisp in Python

I've meant to look at Hy since Paul Tagliamonte started to talk to me about it, but never took a chance until now. Yesterday, Paul indicated it was a good time for me to start looking at it, so I spent a few hours playing. But what's Hy? Python is very nice: it has a great community and a wide range of useful libraries. But let's face it, it misses a great language. Hy is an implementation of a Lisp on top of Python. Technically, Hy is built directly with a custom made parser (for now) which then translates expressions using the Python AST module to generate code, which is then run by Python. Therefore, it shares the same properties as Python, and is a Lisp-1 (i.e. with a single namespace for symbols and functions). If you're interested to listen Paul talking about Hy during last PyCon US, I recommend watching his lightning talk. As the name implies, it's only a few minutes long. <iframe allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" class="shadow" frameborder="0" height="374" src=";autohide=1&amp;egm=0&amp;hd=1&amp;iv_load_policy=3&amp;modestbranding=1&amp;rel=0&amp;showinfo=0&amp;showsearch=0#t=16m14s" width="500"></iframe> Does it work? I've been cloning the code and played around a bit with Hy. And to my greatest surprise and pleasure, it works quite well. You can imagine writing Python from there easily. Part of the syntax smells like Clojure's, which looks like a good thing since they're playing in the same area. You can try a Hy REPL in your Web browser if you want. Here's what some code look like:
(import requests)

(setv req (requests.get ""))
(if (= req.status_code 200)
(for (kv (.iteritems req.headers))
(print kv))
(throw (Exception "Wrong status code")))

This code would ouput:
('date', 'Wed, 03 Apr 2013 12:09:23 GMT')
('connection', 'keep-alive')
('content-encoding', 'gzip')
('transfer-encoding', 'chunked')
('content-type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')
('server', 'nginx/1.2.6')
As you can see, it's really simple to write Lispy code that really uses Python idioms. There's obviously still a lots of missing features in Hy. The language if far from complete and many parts are moving, but it's really promising, and Paul's doing a great job implementing every idea. I actually started to hack a bit on Hy, and will try to continue to do so, since I'm really eager to learn a bit more about both Lisp and Python internals in the process. I've already send a few patches on small bugs I've encountered, and proposed a few ideas. It's really exciting to be able to influence early a language design that I'll love to use! Being a recent fan of Common Lisp, I tend to grab the good stuff from it to add them into Hy.

25 March 2013

Julien Danjou: Announcing Climate, the OpenStack capacity leasing project

While working on the XLcloud project (HPC on cloud) it appeared clear to us that OpenStack was missing a critical component towards resource reservations.
A capacity leasing service is something really needed by service providers, especially in the context of cloud platforms dedicated to HPC style workload. Instead of building something really specific, the decision has been made to build a new standalone OpenStack components aiming to provide this kind of functionnality to OpenStack. In the spirit of others OpenStack components, it will be extensible to fullfil a large panel of needs around this problematic.
The project is named Climate, and is hosted on StackForge. It will follow the standard OpenStack development modal. This service will be able to handle a calendar of reservations for various resources, based on various criteria. The project is still at its early design stage, and we plan to have a unconference session during the next OpenStack summit in Portland to present our plans and ideas for the future!

4 March 2013

Julien Danjou: Ceilometer bug squash day #2

The Ceilometer team is pleased to announce that tomorrow Tuesday 5th March 2013 will be the second bug squash day for Ceilometer. We wrote an extensive page about how you can contribute to Ceilometer, from updating the documentation, to fixing bugs. There's a lot you can do. We've good support for Ceilometer built into Devstack, so installing a development platform is really easy. The main goal for this bug day will be to put Ceilometer in the best possible shape before the grizzly-rc1 release arrives (14th March 2013). This version of Ceilometer should be the last one before the final Grizzly release, so it's a pretty important one. We'll be hanging out on the #openstack-metering IRC channel on Freenode, as usual, so feel free to come by and join us!

27 February 2013

Julien Danjou: OpenStack Ceilometer and Heat projects graduated

The OpenStack Technical Committee have voted these last weeks about graduation of Heat and Ceilometer, to change their status from incubation to integrated. The details of the discussion can be found in the TC IRC meetings logs for the brave. The results are:
Approve graduation of Heat (to be integrated in common Havana release)?
yes: 10, abstain: 1, no: 1
Approve graduation of Ceilometer (to be integrated in common Havana release)?
yes: 11, abstain: 1
Therefore both projects have been graduated from Incubation to Integrated status. That means that Heat and Ceilometer will be released as part as OpenStack for the next release cycle Havana, due in Autumn 2013. For people being curious, we the Ceilometer team put up a nice wiki page about our status and what we think we were ready to jump. For the curious, The OpenStack Technical Committee charter has some explanations about the incubation and integration process. What about Grizzly? Both projects will be released with Grizzly too, obviously, since they already follow the release process of OpenStack. What about core?
The question that has been raised several times to me is if that means the projects are becoming Core projects. The answer is no, because how to become a Core project is still under discussion and is more a matter for the Board of Directors than the Technical Committee. But this is definitely a step in this direction. Anyway, from a technical point of view, this means both projects are now onboard with other OpenStack components so you can enjoy them!

13 February 2013

Julien Danjou: Cloud tools for Debian

Recently, I've worked on the cloud utilities that are provided as standard in Ubuntu, and I ported them to Debian. Let's see how that brings Debian to the cloud! Basics of a cloud image When starting an instance on a IaaS platform, your instance image is raw, un-configured. Therefore, you need to have a way to configure it automagically at boot time, based on what you want to do with it. Usually, IaaS platforms provides for this a metadata server, like Amazon EC2 does. It's a special HTTP server listening on a special and hard-coded IP address that your instance can request to know basic information about itself, like its hostname, and retrieve basic user metadata to auto-configure itself. You can check the documentation about the OpenStack metadata service for more information. Also, image have a predefined size at upload time. So when you run it on a platform, the disk size you request is usually bigger than the size of your image disk: you mayneed to resize and grow your image to use the full disk space that is allocated to your instance. Needed tools
To run a cloud platform, and especially Amazon EC2 or OpenStack, you need to configure and update your image based on the context you're started in. This also includes extending your template image disk to use the full available disk size provided to the running instance. Ubuntu provides a set of cloud utils, which is actually composed of different source packages (cloud-init, cloud-utils and clout-initiramfs-tools). Combined, these 3 packages will allow you to run a number of step, from disk resize at boot time to Puppet configuration handling. So Ubuntu got this working right a long time ago, but unfortunately, Debian was really late on that. Until now. I've worked on getting these into Debian, and you can now find these 3 packages adapted and uploaded to Debian sid. All you need to do, is to build a Debian image and then run:
apt-get install cloud-init cloud-tools cloud-initiramfs-growroot

And voil : at the next reboot, your instance will extend its root partition size to the full available disk size, and ask the metadata server to configure things like its hostname. The packages sources are available on Debian's git server for cloud-utils and cloud-initramfs-tools and you can build them yourself until the packages are processed by ftp-master and get out of the NEW queue. cloud-init on the other hand is directly available in sid. One of next steps would probably be to build or enhance a tool like vmbuilder to be able to build cloud-compatible Debian images with a simple command line.

29 January 2013

Julien Danjou: Going to FOSDEM 2013

For the first time, I'll be at FOSDEM 2013 in Brussels on Sunday 2nd February 2013. You'll find me probably hanging out in the cloud devroom where I'll talk about Ceilometer with my fellow developers Nick Barcet and Eoghan Glynn. I also hope I'll find time to take a peek at some other talks, like PostgreSQL's ones that Dimitri Fontaine will handle. See you there!

